Why I Talk about God in Art
I talk a lot about God in my art.
Whether it's "Prayer & Unity" or "Thy Will Not Mine" or another one of my works, sometimes the image of God is obvious in my pieces while with others, its more subtle.
God plays a huge role in all of my pieces because God plays a huge role in my life. The way I understand life is through the lens of my understanding of God.
My art would not exist without a God who has given it to me.
Part of my "process" is the prayer I say before setting out on each piece, the meditative state that I enter upon their creation and the prayers I say throughout and after constructing each piece.
Before my first brushstroke, I pray.
When I can't seem to feel where the next brushstroke belongs, I pray.
Before I sign a finished piece, I pray.
I'm not here to debate the existence of God. As a former atheist, that debate is over for me.
If you bristle with antagonism when somebody mentions God, I wish you peace as you continue your journey through life.
But if you become giddy with excitement when somebody mentions God as a driving force for their creative endeavors, well then you're in the right place.
There is no shortage of God in my pieces, just as there is no shortage of God in my life.