The Correlation Between Fashion and Art
I am obsessed with metallic paint.
I think it's incredible.
If I could melt gold and pour it onto a canvas, I would. But that's expensive.
So I live and swear by metallic paint.
Gold. Silver. Bronze. ALL. OF. IT.
Metallic paint can achieve two feats in its presence. The glint and metallic feature of it provides a very delicate depth to the painting, different than non-metallic paint, while also serving as a color in the piece.
Add some creative brushstroke work in with the metallic paint, and you've got a potent combination.
I use some form of metallic in the vast majority of my paintings.
It's funny how this translates into my personal style.
My ideal paintings are gold, white and black. Not coincidentally, those are the colors that I like to wear most.
Maybe with a little bit of grey in there.
I believe that certain color combinations can accurately depict personality. Black, gold, white and grey depict the personality I've had for the last couple of years.
Will that change to something more colorful in the future?
Part of me hopes so.
I've already begun to wear more colors in my wardrobe, so something tells me that my gold, black, white and grey personality will be retiring here soon. At which point, I will open up, to whatever colors feel right... but you can sure there will still be metals.